» Sports Injuries

Sports Therapy in Aurora, IL

If you have a sports injury, you want to get back into the game as soon as possible!

At Physical Therapy Advantage, we understand, so we work with you one-on-one using a customized physical therapy program designed just for you. 

Whether you are a professional athlete, weekend runner or a summer golfer, a tailored sports therapy treatment program eases your pain and gets you back to pre-injury form. Plus, your physical therapist includes therapies to prevent your next sprain, strain, or fracture and reteach your body how to move, jump, or run without injury.

We’ll work with you to gradually increase your muscle strength, restore full functional movement, and reduce pain and swelling. Sports physical therapy rehabilitation promotes athletes’ ability to remain active during the recovery process, aiding recovery and eliminating prolonged rest periods.

Contact Our Aurora Sports Therapy Expert 

Call Physical Therapy Advantage today to help recover from your current sports injuries, reduce the risk of re-injury, and improve your athletic performance.

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COVID-19 Update: Due to the continued COVID-19 concerns we wanted to update everyone on our current policies. We are still considered to be an essential healthcare provider, but as of January 1, 2023...